I could have retired in my early 40s, but feared something I shouldn’t have.
From the outside, everything appeared great.
- Raised 3 kids,
- Managed 2 big moves from Greenwich to Houston to Atlanta, and
- Pursued 1 career.
I felt like I navigated life, money, kids, and husband pretty well except for one thing.
I hated what I did for a living.
This caused me a lot of pain.
Then I feared something I shouldn’t have ever feared.
What if I end up poor.
Why did I pick to work on Wall Street?
Why did I willingly move to Houston?
Why do I feel so unsuccessful?
Does anyone else feel this way?
Why am I so unhappy?
I didn’t know what to do nor how to get rid of this anxiety.
A dear friend Tracy Gay told me to reach out to our mutual friend Sissy Lappin.
Sissy is a real estate agent, similarly, she can’t control the housing market but she also co-founded a company ListingDoor.
She wrote a book to educate people on how to sell their own house and to save on the broker fee.
She told me writing helps you market your business and that I could write a book too.
Anyone can write a book.
Even if you hate to write like me.
Writing helped me discover my voice on LinkedIn.
Taking control of my life helped me love my career and my business.
Both friends Tracy and Sissy helped me get out of my rut back in Houston and discover a possible new path I could create for myself.
#womenshistorymonth, women need to talk to other women and share what we are feeling inside and ask friends to share their stories and help us discover if we can find a new path.
Let me help you get unstuck. Women need to support other women. I'm here to help.
Tiffany Kent,
Your Friendly Wealth Engagement Guide
Wealth Engagement
3715 Northside Pkwy NW
Building 100 - Suite 500
Atlanta, GA 30327
Office: (404) 795 - 6124 / (917) 826 - 5955
Email: tiffany@wealthengagement.com
Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice, or an offer to buy or sell any security.